..the rain is most definitely gone! Today started off as such a disgusting, cold, rainy, blah day, but it's all better now! No more rain! Just love. I'm slowly getting over my cold, making enormous strides from day to day. Sometimes I think I take feeling healthy for granted. I've been in such a terrible mood for the past 4 days because of my cold, but now the sun came out to play for the later afternoon, my sinuses are clearing, and I just had some leftover
Salvation Pizza. All is well.
The weekend will be here soon enough, my antibiotics will have all been taken, so good times shall be had. So, why can't I stop thinking about a small encounter I had at a magazine release party last weekend? All I can think about is why am I such a pussy?! I had a ginormously cute guy basically gawking at me, but because he was surrounded by a group of friends, I did nothing. Granted, he didn't exactly make a real move either (other than "accidently" rubbing shoulders with me), but that's another story. I think I've just recently gotten obsessed with the idea of meeting some fabulously successful, good looking guy who'll actually be normal for once. I need to stop looking and learn from mistakes of being basically reactive in life, to being proactive when it's needed and the opportunity is there! Am I right? Who knows if I'll ever bump into cute magazine release party boy ever again... I can dream for now.

SO! Okay I don't know about anyone else, but I for one am excited about Nip/Tuck Season 5 (part 2) starting tonight! I know, part 2 to a season? It's a little bit strange, but I'll take it. A couple of my friends have given up on the show saying it's gotten far too ridiculous, but isn't that what you're supposed to embrace from the show? The ridiculous, over-the-top, raunchy, racey, unbelievable moments are what make it. To me, it's never really been about the characters, but more of a, "What will they do next?" kind of thing. I mean what show can you say has gotten away with tranvestite love affairs, meth lab explosions, disposing of bodies using crocodiles, multiple incestual relationships, mercury poisoning, using live breast implants to transport drugs, organ theft, and did I mention midget sex? The twistedness of this show is what people look forward to. I for one cannot WAIT. It's my escape from real life, and into the life of the rich and absolutely insane. See you in the real world!
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