Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Taking The Good With The Bad

Lately I feel like I've been getting a little more positive, a little more relaxed, a little more normal. All fantastic things. I've been taking the good with the bad at the office, it's been tough times for everyone that's for sure. It is what it is, that's the motto. I know, I know - "At least you have a job!" Yes, yes. With the hard economic times our country is facing and the extensive lay-offs, I SHOULD feel lucky to have a job, but I can't help but be selfish and think, "What the fuck? No chance for promotion in the next few months?" Makes me wonder what I'm working for some days, but I'm getting over that idea. Yes, I'm lucky to have a stable job (as stable as one can get..) and in an environment where I'm able to see so many of my good friends and eat well (our cafeteria rocks, I don't care what anyone says!). So yeah, let's be positive and be happy. Ok. Alright?

So! This weekend I finally got to meet up with the guy who's been basically chasing me for a couple of weeks. The environment where we met was my scene (so I was at home) and it was truly all good times. We got along well, his friends were great with me and vise versa, we danced, I went to his place to after party, and..... nothing happened. Wait! Where's the problem? Lack of real chemistry. We're both good looking individuals, and in the past that's all I needed to just hop into bed and be young and stupid, but lately that hasn't been exactly working for me. If I don't really feel it, I just don't. I don't care what my "member" thinks! Maybe next time? I definitely see this as a sign of maturity though. I know what I want and being picky is the game. Not to say this guy's not going to be my friend, I think he's great, but if it's not there- it's just not. I think he may have realized it as well, the texts have slowly faded. Meh- it happens. I'll take it.

Let's talk about some goodness now. I'm really really and I mean REALLY looking forward to the Lykke Li concert in a couple of weeks! February 19th to be exact. Tickets purchased. Dancing shoes all shined up and ready to party like Thursday nights are meant to be partyed. I miss Thursday nights and I'm pretty sure I'll be calling in sick the day after... sshhh! Don't tell. Every Lykke Li song has it's own vibe and uniqueness. Being there live while just a tad inebriated will be nothing less than fabulous. I don't use this word often, but she has made me feel so wonderful so many times, I can't help but be a little in love. Cut/Copy is coming in March as well - much more dancing excitement to come. Stay tuned.